Preliminary exercise 2:Barthes Theory Semiotic Analysis of the Hunger Games Catching Fire Table 2

 Roland Barthes’Theory of Semiotics 

The Hunger Gamed is a dystopian movie where children are set up against each other in a battle royals to death.All children aged between 12 and 18 that is being taken from a district .Katniss Everdeen is from District 12 (protagonist ) . All the districts suffer from poverty and oppression made worse by the fact that every year , two “tributes” from each district must fight to the death in the Hunger Games .The clip we analyzed was the catching fire where the mockingbird appears.

The signs that we choose were fire , mocking bird and white dress . Fire usually means cleansing and purification . Mocking bird represents originality, and authenticity . White dress usually represents moral purity , joy and happiness . 


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