Preliminary Exercise:Camera Movement Videos

 This week our teacher assigned us to produce a 3-7sec videos illustrating the six Camera Movement .Techniques selected by our group from the Camera Movement story board.Camera movement is a filmmaking technique that causes a change in frame or perspective through the movement of the camera

.Each team member had a job description and demonstrated the skill and responsibility. Our team had to establish MISE EN SCENE Elements in the videos. MISE EN SCENE elements include setting, acting, set design , props, decor etc .When the videos were completed we had to upload them as a YouTube video to create links for each video . We all filmed the videos . I wrote the descriptions and action line.

Reflection Paragraph

The most uncomplicated camera technique demonstrating was Tilt.The most difficult was Pan movement .Working on vide production was one of the least difficult assignment . We all share video ideas to adhere to each camera movement  . We all used our phones to create our videos.  During the zoom shot character’s face was zoomed in while she was on a call. Dolly in shot we zoomed out in her phone.Dive into topic the video showed a conversation between two subjects . Pedestal shot the camera took a video from the feet up showing an intimate conversation . Pan movement the camera showed a conversation from an horizontal angle from left to right. Tracking shot the camera showed the subject tracking another subject without her knowledge .


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