Preliminary Exercise:How does the sound support your film in the context of the genre?

 A sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point. without the use of a dialogue or music. Sound effects can  be created or enhanced for a film and applied post production. Hard sound effects are common sounds that come from objects on screen. Ambient sound effects are sounds that are not synchronized with the picture, but indicate setting to the audience. Foley sounds are souds that are synchronized and recorded for the screen . Designed sound are sounds that do not normally occur in nature or are impossible to record in nature. 

Our sound in our film was thrilling sound. We used these sounds to give off a sad and show intensity within the film .Sound techniques are direct sound in all sounds recorded at the time of filming. Sound bridge are the sound or music that is carried from one scene to the next. It links two scenes together and keeps the audience distracted while the scene cuts to the next . Parrallel sound matches the mood or tone of a sequence . Contrapuntal sounds are sounds that strongly contrast with the mood or tone of a scene .

Quality of sounds are rhythm, crescendo and pitch .Rhythm is a recurring beat forming a pattern . Crescendo is a gradual increase in a piece of music. Pitch is the frequency of a sound . High pitch dissonant strings will magnify the effect of . Low Pitches may sound ominous .Melodic sound will have positive and pleasing connotations . It will be uplifting mellow and sweet sounding. Discordant is a harsh sound and unplesant to listen to. It will provide negative connotations


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